School Transport Rules

  • School bus routes are devised based on commuting time convenience and demand while ensuring that no route is overly long. Parentsshould consult school's Transport In - charge for necessary details or any changes desired.
  • A student using school bus is expected to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus. The student has to be on the correct side of the arriving bus. Parents should, for the safety of thechildren ensure,that their words are always excorted to and from Bus stops.
  • Students who miss the allotted bus, should not try to board their bus en routeor any other bus. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the parents to droptheir wards to school. Such students may, however, return by their allotted busParents trying to stop the bus and force their ward to board the bus along theroute will lead to withdrawal of busfacility and a heavy fine.
  • Students who do not avail school transport should report ten minutes before school commences.
  • Parents / Guardians of students who do not avail school transport should presentthemselves at school gate fifteen minutes after the start of dispersal ofstudentsfrom school to collect their wards.
  • Under no circumstance are students allowed to go behind or under the buses parked in school campus. Students are also not allowed to sit in parked buses during school hours. Students should not touch the instrument panel, or firstaid box, or fire extinguisher in buses.
  • Students must make sure that the aisle of the bus is clear, and that school bagsand other belongings are placed properly. Students must keep all parts of theirbody inside the bus at all times. They should not puttheir hands out even forwaving. No item / object should be thrown inside or outside the bus during thejourney. The consumption of edibles and any kind of drinks other than water isnot permitted in the bus.
  • Unruly behaviour like shrieking and shouting isstrictly prohibited.
  • Any misbehaviour on the part of a student with the bus driver, conductor, bus teacher or another student will be viewed as a grave misdemeanour and leadto suspension from school.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter school bus under any circumstance nor is it expected that they get into an argument with the bus teacher / driver / conductor. Transport facility of the child may be suspended or even cancelledfor any such confrontation reported
  • The driver's attention must not be distracted for any reason. Drivers are authorised to stop buses at designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the busteacher,after consultation with the Transport In - charge and the Head of School.