Rewards and Reprimands
- The school discipline system is based on the premise that there are consequences
for actions. It endeavours to be consistent and fair. For the school community to
operateas a safe learning environment where all strive for personal excellence, it
is important that clear boundaries are established. While rewards are for
motivating the students to sustain good actions and consistently strive for better
behaviour andefforts, reprimands are given in order to check undesired actions
on the part of the wrong - doer and to deter other students from doing the same.
- Disciplinary Measures The following disciplinary measures may be adopted by
school in dealing with the students who behave in an unruly manner -
- Verbal warning and counselling.
- Written warning
- Detention during the break, or for the whole day.
- Suspension ( ranging from 7 to 30 days)
- Rustication
- Withdrawal of transport facility for improper behaviour in school bus. In such
cases, parents will be responsible for their ward's pick and drop to school.
- It is expected from all Dipsites that they maintain a very cordial relation with the
teaching / non - teaching / housekeeping / transport staff of school. Students are
notexpected to get into arguments with the staff. In case of complaints, they
must approach the Head of School.
- Misbehaving in class with peers / teachers and bullying peers / juniors may result
insuspension from school for a month or even expulsion without notice.
- Students found to deface / cause damage to school property shall be suspended
/ expelled from school in addition to levy of heavy fine (equivalent to the cost of
damage for sports equipment ; twice the cost of damage for lab equipment ; and
fivetimes the cost of any other damaged property).
- Weapons or sharp instruments, such as blades, knives etc are not allowed in
schoolpremises. Only scissors with rounded edges used for Art & Craft activities
may bebrought to school.
- Students are forbidden from bringing cosmetics, combs, perfumes, deodorants,
etc., to school.
- Students are not allowed to bring ink whitener pens or correction fluidsto school.