Homework Policy
- Homework is a constructive tool in the teaching / learning
process, geared to the needs and abilities of the students,
for the reinforcement of matter learned in school. It is
also intended to help the students develop independent
study habits.
- As a policy no homework is given till class 1. However, some
reinforcement worksheets may be given. School tries to
assign interesting homework based on the matter that
has been covered in school and distribute it uniformly
among various subjects per week.
Students should try and do their homework entirely on their
own, without the help of their parents. They should
develop a regular homework routine, keep their parents
informed with respect to homework assignments and show
them the finished work. Students should:
- Ensure that they are prepared with whatever stationery
supplies are needed for homework. Inform their parents if
any extra material is needed for projects and other such
home assignments, so that these can be acquired without
- Have an appropriate environment at home for quiet study
without disruption.
- Earmark a regular block of time for homework. If no
homework is assigned they should maintain the routine,
by reviewing class work or reading a book during the time
assigned for homework.
- Ensure that their homework assignments are completed
on time and that all supporting books and materials are
carried back to school.
- Ask their parents, on a daily basis, to review their
homework tasks, show them the completed work and
ensure that the parents sign notes in the Almanac.